proto files with protoc-c as part of your build system, with proper source file dependency tracking, rather than shipping potentially stale. Thus, it's a good idea to recompile your. While we will try not to make changes to protobuf-c that will require triggering the version guard often, such as releasing a new major version of protobuf-c, this cannot be guaranteed. pb-c.h files generated by protoc-c and the public protobuf-c.h include file supplied by the libprotobuf-c support library. Note that as of version of 1.0.0, the header files generated by the protoc-c compiler contain version guards to prevent incompatibilities due to version skew between the. Protobuf-c follows the Semantic Versioning Specification as of version 1.0.0. Read more information here about the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro.
This will place compiler flags in the PROTOBUF_C_CFLAGS variable and linker flags in the PROTOBUF_C_LDFLAGS variable.